Monday, August 24, 2015

Monday strikes again.

You've had the best, most relaxing weekend full of fun and all things enjoyable. You have accomplished everything that ONLY you have wanted to do: you've slept in, lounged around your house, enjoyed church, maybe had the ultimate beach experience, enjoyed friends, family and life to the fullest, but then the worst thing happens. Monday strikes AGAIN and its back to the grind. Your 40 hour work week is waiting for you with open arms. If you are anything like me, then you would agree that Mondays can be the absolute worst. However, you can improve those dreaded Monday's by adding a little exercise to your day. Exercise relieves stress and helps to improve your mood.
When discussing exercise with people I often hear people say, " I would exercise, but I don't have time in my day" or "I would exercise, but I don't know what to do".
First of all, let's do a little math:
There are 24 hours in a day.
-8 hours for sleep
-8 hours for a full time job.
-3 to 4 hours for cooking and eating; breakfast, lunch and dinner.
 Depending on the person, they may vary. Regardless, this leaves one with 4 hours during the day to complete those "extra" things in life. Therefore, why wouldn't you do something constructive for at least 30 minutes, like exercise?
straight up, make you sweat, challenging at home cardio workout, this is the plan for you! The rest periods are optional (if you don’t want them just swap them for more jogging in place) but they’re good times to grab some water. Ultimately remember that what you give this routine is what you’ll get out of it so work hard and challenge yourself! For more at home exercise plans go here. :)
Motivational Quotes for Working Out: Non-cardio workouts that really produce results! #weightloss
Exercise allows you to be as creative as you want. Sometimes people don't know what to do or what a specific exercise might look like? Well thank goodness for living in a technological world...the Internet is your friend, so use it! Both Google and Pinterest can solve all of your exercise questions. However, deciding where to begin when it comes to exercise can sometimes be confusing and difficult. Most women begin working out to lose weight. With that being said, cardio is a great place to begin. Cardio helps to shed fat for a slimmer body. When I first began working out, I learned that having a workout plan was really quite helpful! Having an idea of what you are going to do before you do it helps you not feel so overwhelmed. It provides you with exactly what you need without having to decide what to do next. The cardio workouts above to the left and right are great workouts that are sure to leave you sweating and maybe even a little sore. Remember, being sore is a GOOD thing. It means you have accomplished something, you worked hard and are gaining muscle.
Whether it is cardio, arm day, leg day or shoulder day, exercise is not only your friend, but can help you escape the dreaded madness of manic Monday. So why not try exercising on Monday, you might just enjoy it.
Here is a daily workout plan that I found on Pinterest quite some time ago. Happy Exercising!!
Thanks For My New Butt, Pinterest! Workout Posters We Love: In a perfect world, we'd all leap out of bed every morning superexcited to slip on our sports bra and sneaks to head out for a life-changing workout, but let's face it — some days we're less than motivated.

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