Monday, August 17, 2015


This morning during my devotional time I was reading through 1 Chronicles 20. In summary, it discusses the capture of the city of Rabbah and how war broke out with the Philistines, in which there were many giants. As I read, I thought of how much fear, boldness and determination would be needed in order to take on a giant.  In verse 6, the Bible describes one of the giants as having 6 fingers on each hand, along with 6 toes on each food. Can you imagine facing not only a giant, but a polydactyl giant (how terrifying). Giants are known to be strong and exceptionally large. Yet, Goliath, as well as his descendants were able to be conquered. When I think about life, I think about how difficult it can be with so much happening around you. I think about how sometimes I feel like there are problems and things in life that are too strong, difficult and large for me to do on my own, but with God, optimistic people and exercise, you are able to CONQUER anything. With so much going on, why not use exercise as an outlet and way of stress relief?!
Lifestyle change is difficult and takes strength, motivation and inspiration. First of all, getting into shape and becoming fit is especially difficult when you are constantly comparing yourself and your progress to others, so STOP IT. Have you and your husband or boyfriend decided that you were going to lose weight and he drops 10 pounds in a matter of a few weeks, while you're stuck with only losing that "measly pound"? Although its both annoying and frustrating, don't let this be an added giant in your crazy life.  Women are designed to possess ten percent more body fat than men (you can thank those child bearing hips), but also their metabolisms are much faster. Combine the two and it tends to allow men to burn calories and lose weight more rapidly than women, so its biological. There's really nothing you can do about it, besides accept it and not compare yourself to a man. Also, accept the fact that you are not only unique and beautiful, but "fearfully and wonderfully made" (Psalm 139:14). However, God does NOT make us unhealthy we do that to ourselves. He gives us different body frames, but we mold and add our own aspect of healthy or unhealthy. So how exactly do you get's quite simple---exercise.
Habits form in a matter of two weeks, so if you exercise consistently for two week you have a great shot at exercise becoming a part of your daily routine. Exercise is actually quite a powerful thing.
  • It increases energy levels and increases serotonin in the brain, which leads to improved mental clarity.
  • Exercise produces a relaxation response that serves as a positive distraction, which literally helps stress from giants in our lives become smaller.
  • It's really not that difficult to find 30 minutes to exercise--there are 24 hours in a day, that leaves you with 23 and 1/2 to do anything else.
    • walking, jump roping, taking your kids to he park, riding a bike with your kids, an "at home video", Pinterest workout or the gym (just choose one and do it).
  • Exercise strengthens the muscles and joints and reduces your odds of diseases as you age
  • Exercise allows your heart to pump blood through your cardiovascular system more effectively and less plaque builds up around your heart.
  • You can eat more food (who doesn't love that)
  • You lose weight and that "once in a while "treat" day" doesn't seem so bad.
There are so many other benefits to exercise, so why exactly wouldn't you choose to exercise and work on being the best you that you can be?

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